Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Last week while we were in Utah my whole family met up to spend a super fun day at the Washington City Community Center, or wash-me-city as Zac calls it. This place was Huge! It had something for everyone, no matter what age, and we all had SO much fun! After we had swam for hours, we went to a new restaurant called Pirate Cove. It was so cool! I felt like we were in Disney Land. Each of the kids got two tokens (plus the money Grandma slipped them) to play in the arcade and they had a blast. I thought Joshua would be scared because the restaurant was designed to make you feel like you were in a dark pirate cave but he was amazed the entire time and couldn't keep his eyes off the fake flames. I can't wait to take him to Disney Land some day. He'll be so much fun!
Anyway...Here are just a few pics from the day.

1 comment:

The Stratton's said...

The new pic on the top of your blog is oh so cute. Any photography secrets I should know about?