Sunday, July 10, 2011


Benson is 4 months old!
At 4 months Benson:
*Weighs 16.6 lbs- 76%
*24 inches tall-32%
*Head circumference in the 90%
*Is extremely happy ALL the time.
*Is wearing 9 month clothes.
*Just got moved in to his own bedroom 3 nights ago and is sleeping SO much better!
*Takes 3 naps a day at 9, 1, and 5.
*Still wakes up around 4 am to eat.
*Nurses every 3 hours and just started oatmeal this week, once a day.
*Sits up with a little support.
*Is getting his 2 bottom teeth! TOTALLY opposite of Josh. At this rate, Benson could have all of his teeth before Josh. Josh just cut his 4th k9 2 weeks ago. Haha!
*Takes AR medication twice a day, which is working wonderfully!
*Loves LOVES to be talked to.
*Rolled over from front to back for the first time today!
*Loves his taggie
*Has to be holding on to something all the time (especially likes mom's hair).
*Likes to be read to and especially likes touch-and-feel books.
*Thinks his dad is so funny and will laugh at anything he says. It's the sweetest thing!

Benson really is an amazing, go with the flow baby! He's so happy and loves to be involved in everything we're doing. He'll give a smile to anyone who talks to him. He's patient with me as I'm still learning to juggle two kids. I'm beyond grateful for the chance I have to be his mom. He was sent to our family for a reason, and has taught (and continues to teach) us so much everyday. Every once in a while I'll think, what if he hadn't made it through those first 2 weeks of life!? It makes my heart hurt just thinking about that. It's funny how quickly it felt like he had been a part of our family forever. It's only been four months and I can barely remember life without him.
1st time eating oatmeal

Loved it of course

Snoozing in the stroller

1 comment:

Lara Lundin said...


You need to tell me how you made your "Taggie" and what all is on it. Its so cute and I need my mom to make me one because I am not crafty. e-mail me