Friday, April 3, 2009

Number 8 tag

My Top 8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Cafe rio
2. Costa vida
3. The Roof
4. Pasta Factory
5. The Rusty Pelican
6. Texas Roadhouse
7. Wingers
8. Arbys

My Top 8 Favorite TV Shows
1. Biggest Loser
2. Private Practice
3. Greys Anatomy
4. The Office
5. Live with Reggis and Kelly...haha
6. If we had cable I would watch Paula Deen
7. Ace of cakes!
8. American Idol

8 Quirks About Me
1. I have major OCD. (Beau is telling me what to write) Everything has to be perfectly clean all the time. But only in my house. I don't care if other people's houses are dirty when I'm there. I usually don't even notice. But when I'm's spick and span.
2. I get addicted to things easily (not drugs...more like cookies). I have to be careful what I do because I know that about myself.
3. I LOVE to work out! I have to go to the gym every day or I go nuts and can't stop thinking about going. On days when I have to go after Beau gets home from work rather than at 6 a.m. I feel like I never wake up all day. If I could, I'd go twice a day.
4. I hate toes. They are gross.
5. I have been going gray since I was 17....It stinks!
6. I'm a girl who hates to shop, especially for clothes! Up until a year or two ago, I was not allowed to go on shopping trips with my mom and sisters. They just wouldn't invite me! I think it had something to do with me whining the whole time. I don't know. Although I still do not like shopping, I don't mind wandering the mall. I just usually don't go in the stores unless I have to.
7. I don't like to cook, but I LOVE to bake!
8. I don't like water. You couldn't pay me enough to jump in a river or pond. Especially a pond! Something about water that just sits there, growing who knows what, really scares me.

8 Random Things I Did Yesterday
1. worked out
2. showered
3. played with Joshua
4. looked at suv's on ksl
5. cleaned the inside of Beau's truck
7. hung out with Beau
8. and played with Joshua some more. (And that is an eventful day)

8 Things On My Wish List
1. To have a full gym in my house
2. For the snow to go away!
3. To have a little bit bigger house
4. To live closer to family
5. That Joshua would just go to sleep when I put him in his crib
6. To go to Europe again
7. Someone to buy me a whole new wardrobe. I'd pay for it if someone would do the shopping.
8. To have an SUV

8 Things That I Look Forward To
1. 5 o'clock everyday
2. weekends
3. trips home to see family
4. going to the gym
5. going out to dinner tonight with Beau for the first time in I don't even remember. We never eat out...
6. Beau's business getting started
7. Building my dream home
8. Joshua getting older

8 People I Tag
1. Kristin
2. Tara
3. Tia
4. Mary
5. Lara
6. Rachel
7. Shan
8. Dana

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