Sunday, October 23, 2011


I love this sequence of pictures.
Josh found a lady bug in the grass and sat down to show Benson (it was super sweet),
so here is Benson's checking it out...
Then he pounces...Look at the determination of his face.
Then he tries to pull Josh's finger closer to him...he probably wants to eat it.
And finally Josh has had enough. You don't mess with Josh and his lady bugs.
A few minutes after I took the above picture the lady bug flew away. Josh was all upset because he still wanted to play with it so we spent a good 5 minutes looking all over the yard for the thing. Then, just when we'd given up and I went over to pick Benson up to go in the house, look what I saw! It had been crawling all over him the whole time.
I love that Josh and Benson are starting to interact more and more all the time. It makes me so excited for the day when they can start running around and really playing together. It's going to be so fun watching them become best buds.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How far apart in age are they??? Josh is soooo active. I love seeing all his pictures of him so curious! Janessa is in the CRAZY phase. I remember reading your blog one day about church in the hallway... ugh... when does it end?!?! I'm not anxious for #2 for a while!