Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Another Buzz

The mullet was getting a little unruly, so we decided it was time for Benson to have his second buzz. The first time we did it I think he was about 4 months old, and he didn't mind at all. This time I was nervous because about a month and a half ago we were buzzing Josh's hair and Benson sat on the bathroom floor and screamed his little head off, he was so afraid! He also does the same thing every time he's in the same room as Beau when he's shaving with his electric razor. For whatever reason, that noise just freaks him out. So anyway....the moral of the story is, I thought this was going to be a rather traumatic experience. Thankfully, I was wrong. He didn't care at all! He just sat in the sink and made faces at himself in the mirror for a few minutes and when he started to get a little restless and wanted to crawl on the counter, I gave him my water bottle and he sat still the rest of the time. Like a champ!
I'm always a little sad when we have to buzz the boys heads, I love their hair longer, but it has to be done during the awkward growing even hair stage. Right now Benson can grow a mean mullet because it's so much thicker in the back and he's got another thick spot right on the top of his head, which also turns into a super cool mohawk when it gets long. He's just naturally a pretty awesome kid I guess!

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