Saturday, May 15, 2010

Play'n in the Closet

Josh's new favorite place to play in the house is in our closet. He gets into lots of trouble in there. He plays hide and seek with me, gets into my jewelry and makes a mess of it, climbs up things he shouldn't, and finds Beau's cologne. That's his favorite part though, the cologne. Once he has it, he'll carry it around all day. The problem with this kid is that he knows he's cute and can get away with anything because of it. Even though I don't like the fact that he's playing with Beau's expensive cologne, I let him because he makes the cutest faces in the whole world when he's trying to smell it. And it makes me laugh.

Can you see him?
*sniff sniff*

And this is the face. I can't resist this face. It's TOO funny!

Dad, smell
You too Mom.
He really loves the cologne.


the stahle's said...

He is so cute and is getting so big! Those pictures are so cute. I love his little faces!

The Stratton's said...

I hang stuff by color too. Haha.