Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Busy Lately

I've wanted to update the blog everyday for a week, but I haven't been able to find the time. I've been so busy lately and it seems like whenever I do have a second to get on the computer, it's not here because Beau has it with him to work or school. I think I get online probably twice a week. Can you believe that! I used to get on a couple times a day... It's fine with me though. I like being busy.
Just a little update (more for my journal than for reading pleasure).
Beau is surviving his nuts-o schedule (I don't know how). I don't think he's relaxed in a month. I practically beg him to sit and relax everyday when he gets home from work, but he refuses. Works been pretty hectic for him the last couple weeks. He says he goes a million miles an hour the whole time and the to-do list keeps growing. He eats lunch at his desk and everything. I hope all his hard work pays off soon. I feel bad that he's so stressed all the time :( I'm doing everything I can to make life easier for him, or at least enjoyable while he's home. If I'm having a rough day, I make sure that by the time he gets home I've either taken a breather and gotten over it, or I fake it. He's actually handling it well however. Probably better than I am. Every once in a while he gets overwhelmed and calls to vent, but a little while later he's redetermined and happy. I sure love him! He's amazing...
Joshua: Where to start? He's as funny as ever. Every day he learns something new, sometimes it's a good thing sometimes it's not. For example this week...he's learned how to clap-so cute. He's learned how to climb the stairs-NOT good. He's learned how to hold his bottle-good. He's learned how to pick his noes-think it's funny, but NOT good. He's started to dance to just about every beat or music that most of the time I don't even notice is playing until I see him start dancing- SO cute! Anyway...you get the point. The more mobile he becomes, the more tired I am. Now I know why everyone says you don't want your kids to crawl or walk. In a lot of ways it's been nice because on the whole, he's more content; however, he NEVER stops! So far he hasn't gotten into too much trouble. I can't take my eye off him for a second because he some how knows and heads right for the stairs (the gates are on the way-thank heavens). Last night Beau and I were eating dinner and Josh was playing in the dishwasher. He likes to stand and walk around it and push the drawers in and out. It was empty so we just let him play while we ate. Then I looked over and he was eating something, so I ran over to see what it was, and it was a piece of dishwasher detergent that hadn't been dissolved in the previous wash! Here we were just enjoying the first quiet dinner in 10 months and he was eating soap! He hadn't eaten very much and when Beau picked him up he threw up so I didn't worry. But he was ticked as all get out when we took it away! Beau says it's probably tastes better than half his baby food. Haha!
He says Mom, Dad, Bottle, and SICK. He's trying to transition into one nap a day. It's kind of off and on. Sometimes his morning nap is 3 hours and he doesn't need a nap the rest of the day, just goes to bed a little early, and sometimes his nap is only 1 1/2-2 hours and he takes another one a couple hours later. I'm not going to push him one way or the other. We'll just go with the flow for a while. It's still a pretty good schedule, in an unscheduled kinda way... I'm going to post again tomorrow with new pictures and updates on him.
Me: Well nothing really. I'm just trying to be the best mom and wife I can. I had one of those times where I was laying in bed (I haven't been able to fall asleep lately, it's REALLY irritating) and I did kind of a reevaluate my life type thing. Through that I made a deal with myself, and a promise with Him, that I was going to try harder everyday to be a better person for everyone in my life, and think more of them than myself. I'm trying hard to be a good wife and mom especially. I want to look for ways to serve others outside my family as well; a concept So much easier said than done for me. Also, lately I've been reading a lot about parenting and different ways to show love, educate, entertain, and discipline children. It's very interesting, but overwhelming. There is SO much knowledge out there. Every child and parent are so different, but I am learning some great concepts. I love being a mom. It brings more joy than anything in the world.
Well... It's midnight and I have a long day tomorrow, I better hit the sack. I don't want to take the time to read back over this, so I hope it made sense...I'm tired, and don't write well when I'm wide awake. I'm going to try to post again tomorrow with pictures of our happenings and of course just some of my cute little man being CUTE!

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