HOLY COW! I cannot believe Benson is already 6 months old! Time's going way too fast.
I get comments almost every time I leave the house about what a happy baby I have because he is always laughing and smiling, no matter what! He just loves life.
At 6 months Benson:
- Weighs 19 lbs 8 oz - 85%
- Is 27" tall - 68%
- His head is 18.5 cm - 99%
- Sits pretty well by himself, but I always put the boppy behind him just in case
- Sleeps from 8 pm - 6 am, then eats and goes back to sleep until 8 or 8:30
- Takes 3 naps, one and 10, 2, and a short one at 5:30
- Eats baby food like a champ, but still loves hit oatmeal the best
- Still taking AR meds morning and night. I've tried to ween him a couple times, but as soon as he misses one day he starts having trouble eating and spits up tons. On the medication he has no problems.
- Wears 12 month clothes.
- Is in size 3 diapers.
- Rolls over the second I put him on his stomach. I'm pretty sure he's never going to crawl, and I'm totally ok with that. I don't want him to, mostly because church is a nightmare when that starts and it goes down hill from there until 18 months.
- Loves his dad! All Beau has to do is walk into the room and Benson starts going nuts, squealing and flailing his arms around for him.
- Loves to blow raspberries.
- Smiles constantly.
- Wakes up SO happy in the mornings. I love going up to get him because he's so happy to see me.
- Nurses every 3-3 1/2 hours.
- Is content to sit on the floor with the simplest toy for a long time.
- Doesn't like the jumperoo for very long. I think it's too much exercise for the chunker.
- Absolutely loves to read books!
- Doesn't like Bananas.
- Lays his head on my shoulder when he's tired! I always wanted Josh to do that, but he never would.
- Doesn't take a binki at all. I finally gave up trying to force it on him.
- Is very curious about everything I'm doing.
- Doesn't fall asleep very often outside is crib. It's always a sad day when that happens.
- Thinks Josh is just so funny.
1 comment:
Cute.. that went by SO fast! My little boy is a chunker too!!
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