Monday, September 27, 2010


This weekend we went on a little hike up Cress Creek with the Dalton's. As is everything with them, it was way fun. It was nice to get outside to do something fun and enjoy the amazing weather we are having right now. It seems like for the last month we've done nothing but work, pack, move, unpack, and organize, oh and clean! I've never cleaned so much in my life! This hike is fairly easy, but for someone in my condition, it was perfect. Haha...I am amazed every time I do anything even half way aerobic how out of shape I am, and it's not going to get any better for a while I'm afraid.

Just taking off.
Playing in the creek.
Josh is obsessed with blowing on us right now! Every time I'm carrying him around, he sits on my hip and blows in my hair, then he laughs and laughs like it's the funniest thing ever!
Cute boys...
Cheese! He loved every second of it!
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