Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 1

I saw this on my friend Jessica's blog and I thought it looked like fun. Generally I don't do this sort of thing but lately I've felt like I'm in such a blogging rut and that I could use some help getting back into it. Plus this will change things up a little bit. It's a 30 day blog list and each day you post about whatever the category is for the day. I'm really going to try hard to do it everyday but I already know I might have a hard time while we're traveling next week. I'll give it my best though...Should be fun! You should do it too!

day 1- your favorite song
day 2- your favorie movies
day 3-your favorite television program
day 4- your favorite book
day 5- your favorite quote
day 6- 20 of your favorite thigns
day 7- a photo that makes you happy
day 8- a photo that makes you angry/sad
day 9- a photo you took
day 10- a photo taken over 10 years ago of you
day 11-a photo of you recently
day 12- something you are OCD about
day 13- your favorite outfit
day 14- your favorite shoes
day 15- your dream house
day 16- a song that makes you cry
day 17- an art piece ?? huh??
day 18- my wedding/future wedding/ past wedding
day 19- a talent of yours
day 20- a hobby of yours
day 21- a recipe
day 22- a website
day 23- a youtube video
day 24-where I live
day 25-your day in great detail
day 26- your week, in great detail
day 27- your worst habit
day 28- whats in my handbag/purse
day 29-hopes, dreams and plans for 365 days
day 30- a dream for the future

Day 1

Favorite song:

This one is tough for me. I have a new favorite song just about every week! One song that I always go back to though is Sara Bareilles' song Gravity. I LOVE this girls voice! She's amazingly talented and I really love all of her songs, but this one is my favorite.



The Stratton's said...

I love that song too! Can't wait to see you!!!

Jessica&Cameron said...

I am so glad you are doing this! I never had anything to blog abt and saw this on one of my friends blogs..