Friday, March 11, 2011

Quick Update: Day 4

It has been a long day and we are ready for bed but we wanted to post a quick update on Benson's status.

Benson is doing well and is still in stable condition, the medical staff here are awesome and keep us informed and Benson as comfortable as possible. Benson has a tentative schedule of a surgery slot on Tuesday but they say nothing is for sure until they are wheeling him to the OR. We are patiently waiting and know our turn will come soon but it is not much fun living in a hospital.

A couple of things have happened since the post. Benson got a PIC line put in in preparation for the surgery and to delivery his medication closer to the heart. His new favorite thing is sponge suckers w/ water. The nurse today told us it was ok to let him suck on these and the poor kid has had the worst dry mouth not being able to eat, he loves them. He sleeps 22 of the 24 hrs in the day and loves to cuddle with us (especially his mom). The doctors say he is extra sleepy because of his heart condition and the medication. His little heart is working so hard.

Some of our feelings, good and bad:

Despite the trial and tough time, we have never felt so blessed, loved or supported, we have the best friends and family, and many of our friends we consider family. We thank you for all of the prayers, thought and concern for our son. It brings us to tears numerous times a day.

Although Benson has a serious heart condition all we have to do is talk to other parents or walk down the hall and we consider ourselves lucky that Bensons condition is treatable, we can hold and touch him and we will be out soon. Some babies have been there for 6 months with another 2 months ahead of them or have problems they will struggle with the rest of their lives. We are blessed.

The day after we got to Primary Children's our perspective of our situation was changed. We watched as a family gathered together to say their good byes to their little son that was not going to make it. We know we are going to be able to take our son home and he will live a full life. We cry thinking of this family and have a portion of empathy for them. Life is precious and eternal family ties mean more to us than they ever did before.

Waiting for surgery is hard.

It's heartbreaking to see how many critical NICU babies are born to young teenage kids or parents that don't care.

Being away from Joshua is REALLY hard. He has been the center of our lives for the past years, his moms little sidekick and his dad's best buddy. We both feel like a piece of us is missing without him. We are grateful he is having fun with his cousins and know he is in good hands with his aunt Tara.

To end on a good note, we have fallen in love with this little man and are so happy he is a part of our family.


Tummy Time (Benson liked it)

Benson and Mom

Benson's Favorite New Treat, Sponge Suckers


Jessica&Cameron said...

I hear ya on how it makes you appreciate what you have. When we were there a baby next to us was born 3 months early.. and they had been there 2 months and no sign of going home. who is the doctor that does rounds for you? I loved dr fung. I cant imagine being in there with another kid at home. It would be so hard not to see them!how long will he be there after the surgery?

The Stoddards said...

I can feel the Spirit so strong as I read your blog posts. I love the pictures. Hoping and praying for the little guy!

Kristin said...

You guys are so strong and positive. Benson is so cute! He's such a tough little man! We're praying hard for ya everyday(especially Tay Man). Hopefully we'll get to see ya soon. We love you guys!!