Thursday, March 17, 2011


Bens did really well lastnight and things are still looking good this morning. At about 9 am this morning they tried to take him off the ventilator, but he wouldn't breath on his own at all, so it is back on and they are taking him off sedation before they try again. It's hard to see him laying there with tubes coming out all over and knowing that he might be in some pain and can't even show it. But I'd rather have it that way than to watch him cry. He's such a strong kid! I have been amazed to witness how much strength an infant can have.
Lastnight he had an iv in his right arm to monitor his blood pressure and one in his neck in case he needed a blood transfusion during surgery (which they didn't have to do), but this morning the iv in his neck is out. He still has the picc line in his left arm to administer medication directly on the heart, and another iv in his left foot. He had a catheter in lastnight but its out this morning and a chest tube in to drain any excess fluid in the chest cavity. They will have to keep the chest tube in for a while.
Since I started this post a couple things have changed. They turned off Benson's sedation medication completely and he has been awake for a couple hours. When he's awake he breaths on his own, but when he falls asleep he stops and they have to turn the ventilator back on. I don't like that he's awake. He's very uncomfortable with the tube down his throat and scared. He just looks at me with huge eyes like, please help me. And I can't. It breaks my heart! I wish they could sedate him until the tube comes out.
We left the hospital for a little while this afternoon and went down to temple square. Josh needed to get out so it was good for him. We're on the train back up to the hospital right now and I'm dying to get back to Benson. It was so hard to leave him awake. I hope he did well off the ventilator and that we are close to it coming out. They said I can nurse him about 6 hrs after he's off of it. I can't wait! That will be the highlight of this whole ordeal so far!
We don't know about recovery time yet. It's very different from patient to patient, but we are thinking probably a week to 2 weeks.


Unknown said...

So happy to hear benson is doing well! That sounds so sad that he has so many IV's etc and that he is uncomfortable but at least he has got the help he needed and is on his way to going home!! We'll keep our prayers coming for you guys and for little benson. That is fun you have josh with you. Is he staying with you now and is he allowed in the hospital? Keep the updates coming and some pictures when you can. he is a sweet little thing...

Jessica&Cameron said...

So glad he is doing well. I kept checking all night on your blog. Everytime I woke up with Carter, I would get on my phone and look for an update. I was so worried. I hope you get to go home soon. Sorry u guys are having such a tough time! thinking of u